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Honest (to me) Married Man Cheating Spouse By: Sally Webb Home Blog Articles BookStore About SallyContact UsThe Other Woman Story .errFld { padding: 3px; } .errFldOn { padding: 0px; border: 3px solid red; } .errMsg { font-weight: bold; color: red; visibility: hidden; } .errMsgOn { visibility: visible; } #edit textarea { border: 1px solid #000; } /* used in both edit and preview modes */ .editTitle { font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } #preview .editTitle { margin-top: 0px; } .editName, .editCountry { text-align: center; } .editName, .editCountry, .editBody { } .editBody { text-align: left; } #preview { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .GadSense { float:left; vertical-align:top; padding:0 8px 8px 0; margin:0 8px 0px 0; }.gLinkUnitTop {width:466px;margin:12px auto;}.gLinkUnitBot {width:120px;float:right;margin:4px 0 24px 36px;} Honest (to me) Married Man by Lola
(los angeles, ca usa)
It all started out as a holiday romance, he was honest about his wife and he said he would never abandon her at this point in their lives...he says he only married her due to pregnancy...and he also says her loves me. The sife was unfaithful to him before we met. It has now become a full-on soulmate love. I can't imagine my life without him, he can't imagine his without me. It's impractical and ridiculous, I know, but I can't seem to give him up, even though I obviously should. It's just a horrible situation.
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by: Anonymous
Hi, i came across your post and i thought i should write.... i also knew that my "partner" was involved as well no lies or anything. He had a girlfriend for several years, lived together and everything, however he got married by the courts in Nov.09 he did not tell me this.. i know he kept saying that he needed to talk to me but never did. I fell ill and many things happened in between, still i think no excuse, i found out on my own but when confronted he said that he wanted to marry her and he is sorry but he didnt know what to say and that he just waited to tell me because he didnt want to lose me, so i told him that he just wanted me there and he didnt care because thats a poor excuse. He adamantly says that its not like that, he shares everything with me from what happens in his family to his financial concerns, etc. I even have all his passwords to all bank accounts, trust is there, but this was just something i cant swallow that he did. To me, he married because he was pushed in a way even though there were no guns pointed to his head and number two that he has financial ties already with her... why would he marry her and keep me i dont know.. same reasons why yours doesnt let go either... i am firm believer that some men dont string along their mistresses or whatever you want to call it, some very few though actually do love or care very much about the other woman. We both got caught up in something that we thought we could let go of... and now that we have the perfect reason to leave neither of us do... its hard. Most dont understand. So i understand you... you know in the back of your head that this wont work but in your heart you want it too. I think that we will be ready to leave or stay in time.... we will be ready either soon or later. Its ok to wait it out and questions it, i think, because sometimes you're just not ready yet. Mar 28, 2010

by: Anonymous
Hi, i came across your post and i thought i should write.... i also knew that my "partner" was involved as well no lies or anything. He had a girlfriend for several years, lived together and everything, however he got married by the courts in Nov.09 he did not tell me this.. i know he kept saying that he needed to talk to me but never did. I fell ill and many things happened in between, still i think no excuse, i found out on my own but when confronted he said that he wanted to marry her and he is sorry but he didnt know what to say and that he just waited to tell me because he didnt want to lose me, so i told him that he just wanted me there and he didnt care because thats a poor excuse. He adamantly says that its not like that, he shares everything with me from what happens in his family to his financial concerns, etc. I even have all his passwords to all bank accounts, trust is there, but this was just something i cant swallow that he did. To me, he married because he was pushed in a way even though there were no guns pointed to his head and number two that he has financial ties already with her... why would he marry her and keep me i dont know.. same reasons why yours doesnt let go either... i am firm believer that some men dont string along their mistresses or whatever you want to call it, some very few though actually do love or care very much about the other woman. We both got caught up in something that we thought we could let go of... and now that we have the perfect reason to leave neither of us do... its hard. Most dont understand. So i understand you... you know in the back of your head that this wont work but in your heart you want it too. I think that we will be ready to leave or stay in time.... we will be ready either soon or later. Its ok to wait it out and questions it, i think, because sometimes you're just not ready yet. Click here to add your own comments
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Will the Cheating husband EVER leave his wife?
"Forget Mr Married" - book by Sally Webb - Officially Published!
Finally! Break free from this toxic addiction and RECLAIM your life! You deserve it.
In this new coming up book, explore questions such as "Will he leave her for me?" "Is there a way to make him mine?""What if he's different?" and most importantly, what you can do to end this constant hurt once and for all.
Book is available through Amazon (paperback) - Click here to buy. Ebook version is also available from OutskirtsPress Publishing - here
P.S. Forget Mr Married is also available to order from any of your local bookstore.
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