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I hate myself. Cheating Spouse By: Sally Webb Home Blog Articles BookStore About SallyContact UsThe Other Woman Story .errFld { padding: 3px; } .errFldOn { padding: 0px; border: 3px solid red; } .errMsg { font-weight: bold; color: red; visibility: hidden; } .errMsgOn { visibility: visible; } #edit textarea { border: 1px solid #000; } /* used in both edit and preview modes */ .editTitle { font-size: 22px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } #preview .editTitle { margin-top: 0px; } .editName, .editCountry { text-align: center; } .editName, .editCountry, .editBody { } .editBody { text-align: left; } #preview { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .GadSense { float:left; vertical-align:top; padding:0 8px 8px 0; margin:0 8px 0px 0; }.gLinkUnitTop {width:466px;margin:12px auto;}.gLinkUnitBot {width:120px;float:right;margin:4px 0 24px 36px;} I hate myself.
Yes I have been the other woman, for 5 years I was the other woman. I wanted so badly to believe he loved me and not her. I wanted so badly to believe that we were soul mates, and I wanted so badly to have HIM love me and only ME. By the end, and I am sorry to say the end takes a long long time, I was angry, miserable, crazy, sad, addicted and destroyed. I was everything but happy. Oh sure it started out happy, seeing eachother, then emailing, then calling, then sex. It felt so good to be 'loved'. The guilt and the shame came later although it was always there, I just have an amazing ability to hide it, I should say the guilt and the shame showed its ugly head later. I soon realized I didn't feel like the other woman, but that SHE was the other woman. That SHE was in the way of MY relationship. Did I mention that I was crazy. Yes that is crazy thinking. I would hear words like 'its a process', or 'if it weren't for my kids I would have left a long time ago'. I am sure all 'other women' have heard the same thing. In the end, what I realized, I was a statistic, I wasn't loved, I wasn't wanted, I wasn't important. I was a statistic. I still ask myself how in the world did I let it get this far? How did I allow myself to believe that we would really be together if I just waited a little bit longer? I tell you girls, that 'little bit longer' NEVER comes. I hate to say that I still think about him, I probably will for a long time if not forever but I am happy to say it gets easier. I would never offer advice, as I feel we all need to come to our own conclusions, as it works much better when WE can decide and make the right decision for ourselves, but I will say that once you decide to leave allow yourself time to grieve, for this was a powerful, and at times very loving relationship that has died. I want to say I hate him for what he has done to me, but really what I hate is myself. It is time to forgive and move forward and see what other possibilities await. Good Luck, with whatever you decide.
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by: Anonymous
I have made the decision last night to cut contact. He called today but I didn't pick up. Good luck to me. Glad I am in another country now which makes it easier but not for a 12-year relationship.
Love this website, there are just so many similarities in what all of us went thru, and now reading the encouragement makes me wanna leave him more and start a new life for myself. Thank you! Apr 18, 2010

by: Anonymous
it has been 2 mths for me now,,i too hate myself for what i did..we live and learn,,i can deffo tell you i have you i still hurt and cant help missing him..which i quickly remind myself of how it made me feel..i dont miss .the worry,the sleepless nights,the sneaking around,the guilt,the will he wont mind is clearer.i sleep at night better..i can honestly say to you,this guy had me wrapped around his finger..not the chance many people get from me..but i stayed for 2 yrs of that crap and a further yr of txting and sending me flowers...i cut this off completely..changed home num rid of all that reminds me,,and work hard not to look bk..guess i came to the conclusion,he wasnt mine to have,,fair ply to you for getting these other woman,it took EVERY BIT OF STRENGHTH TO WALK AWAY..this guy was the best thing that happened to me....but i just knew he would never do the right thing,,it was totally.DESTROYING ME.....there was no other option left..goodluck to you and your healing heart..from someone who knows the PAIN.XXXXXXXX Click here to add your own comments
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Finally! Break free from this toxic addiction and RECLAIM your life! You deserve it.
In this new coming up book, explore questions such as "Will he leave her for me?" "Is there a way to make him mine?""What if he's different?" and most importantly, what you can do to end this constant hurt once and for all.
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